
And ANOTHER Very Special Day

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Google
Happy birthday to yooou

Happy 9th birthday, Google! For your birthday we put together a little Irish blessing for you.

"May your algorithms never be stolen by giant lobsters, and sold to the highest bidders in underground meat shacks."
"May your visitors be google in number but your bugs and viruses be zero"

"May you always find a cute little picture to put on one of the "O"s of google for special holidays and occasions."

"May your knowledge always take precedence over reading an informative book or looking for a dictionary."

"May you always provide a quick avenue for debaters to find credible evidence"

"May gmail be used more than AOL, and gTalk more than AIM"

"May your image search never become bloated, causing my searches for ducks in ponds to be demoted."

"May your news searchs always be up to the minute, so you can capture every time Jessica and Kyle break up."

"May your maps always lead you and your satellite always watch over you"



P.S. Oh..happy belated 16th birthday, Hol.


Drama Queen said...

lol, i had just gotten on to google, and couldnt figure out why there was a piniata for one of the O's. now i know!

Debater said...


What use it has been for researching evidence...